T.F.M. Pages

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

K-9 Ice - Rest In Peace

I have been thinking about what I wanted to say in this post for over a week now on how to properly express my sadness in the passing of K-9 Ice.  He was my partner at work, a member of our family, and a trout pup at heart.  It isn't often that the combination of all three come together in a working dog but K-9 Ice certainly was it.

A couple weeks after his formal retirement from law enforcement work, K-9 Ice received the Key to Lexington from Town Council.  A proud moment that capped off a great career for him.

K-9 Ice, who was a narcotics detection canine, and I worked together for six years until his retirement in 2008.  My family and I were honored to have K-9 Ice continue to live and accompany us camping, on road trips, and trout trips to the mountains as well.  He truly was happiest when in the water whether it was the family pond, creek, or a river.  

Trips to trout streams in North Carolina would find K-9 Ice and I wading together through the water.  He would never stray to far away and easy to take him along with me.  His interest was always perked if he caught sight of a rising trout and would stop and stare at that point on the water looking for the next rise form.  Exhausted from wading and swimming in river water all day, K-9 Ice would sleep most of the way back home in the back of the car.  A day well spent no doubt.

K-9 Ice was a remarkable dog and he is missed by my family and I and the Lexington Police Department in which he served.


  1. This is a really sad news!I thought I will have chance to see him again... He will be missed for sure!!

  2. he will be always in your heart!!!!

  3. Awww....what a bummer! I know how much my dog Lacy means to me and I'd be shattered if something like that happened to her.

    My Sympathies are with you.


  4. I just buried my 20 year-old cat, and while you know they aren't going to live forever, it's still like getting hit in the stomach with a sledge.


  5. "No one can fully understand the meaning of love unless he's owned a dog. A dog can show you more honest affection with a flick of his tail than a man can gather through a lifetime of handshakes. "

    -Gene Hill

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend, fishing companion, and partner. HCF

  6. I will raise one too him tonight.

  7. My condolences on your loss. Sounds like he was a great dog. Those rise forms will just mean that much more to you in the years to come...


  8. Deepest condolences. May he watch over every trout you catch in all future adventures.

    Best Wishes

  9. We know how it is buddy. And we never forget them.

  10. Bummer Cam .. Sorry he had to go.

  11. I appreciate everyone that has left a comment on this post, sent an email, or message on facebook or Twitter. Thank you for your thoughts and words.

    K-9 Ice was a wonderful pup and he certainly lived a full life.
