T.F.M. Pages

Monday, April 26, 2010

Love At First Sight

T.F.M. Reporter Rich Schaaff is back again with his report of picking up his new F.D. Lyons build last week. Granted this post might leave you thinking "Hey Rich...get a room." but I am just very glad that he is enjoying his first fiberglass fly rod so much. F.D. Lyons truly does inspired work.

It's only been 122 days, 14 hours, and 31 minutes since I first set my eyes upon her beauty. She was so responsive the first time I held her in the palm of my hand and she felt so right. She was deep caramel in color and wore just the right amount of wraps. In addition, she had class and when the sun hit her just right her agate would shine so brilliantly. Her seat was made of the most beautiful Spanish cedar. I wanted her all to myself and wouldn't take no for an answer. She insisted that I be patient and if our partnership was ever going to mean anything that we needed to let the Master decide when we could meet again. I was ever so tempted to call and ask about her progress but did not want to put any pressure on this relationship.

(I sure hope my wife doesn't walk past the computer right now and peak over my shoulder. She may assume the wrong thing here.)

I am of course talking about the eight foot five weight custom built glass rod by F.D. Lyons of Portland, Oregon. Okay...maybe I am getting carried away here but if you have never owned a beautiful fiberglass rod then I suggest that you do not judge me to harshly.

I had written a previous post for T.F.M. late last year regarding my initial meeting with the rod builder, Dwight Lyons, which ultimately led to this post. If you have read it then you may be less judgemental.

The day had recently come to pick up my beauty at the Master's home and bring her back with me. She was as beautiful as I remembered but I am wise enough to understand that any good relationship is built on more than just a physical attraction. I needed to test out our relationship as soon as possible so I decided even though my intention are to spend most of my time with her on rivers throwing dry flies that I had to get her on the water where I knew she would feel right at home. I hopped into the truck and went up to "THE LAKE" for our first date. 

Like any new relationship you are going to have yourselves tested and it was no different when we arrived at the lake. The winds were blowing hard and this was not what you want when you are starting off casting a new rod...especially an eight foot glass rod. I puttered across the chop in near white cap conditions to a little cove that I felt might give us a little privacy. I pulled her out of her case, introduced her to the other half, an Orvis CFO III lined with Sharkskin, and put a #16 Elk Hair on since that in time will be a familiar bug that she will get used to seeing attached to her. 

I waited for the wind to lay down enough to give her at the very least a fair chance to show me what she's got. I knew it was not going to be an easy first date but I was determined to make it a worthy one. The wind died down for just enough time to let me hear her sing. At first I was nervous because I knew a glass rod is used to a different rhythm and like a tango dancer one must follow the lead. I owed her that much to at least let her find her comfortable pace. 

When I did I found that she can sing in the wind. I could hear the Sharkskin whistle through her guides as the sun glistened over her caramel blank which illuminated her agate stripping guide. It was what I had hoped for all along and proof that you can fall in love at first sight. Right Julie? 

Rich...enjoy that new fly rod and I am sure this will not be the last post that we read about her.

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