T.F.M. Pages

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Flyfish Journal Arrives!

With the wife working late and the children asleep in their beds, I had a chance to settle into T.F.M. Headquarters (my large leather chair with feet kicked up on the ottoman) and leaf through the latest issue of The Flyfish Journal which arrived  yesterday.

I said it in my first post about The Flyfish Journal last year that I am really impressed with this magazine from the content, the writing, and the photography that it contains.  This is art...pure and simple.

Don't expect to find a couple dozen copies of The Flyfish Journal waiting for you at your local book store.  The Flyfish Journal is doing something a bit different and is only printing what they have orders or subscriptions for.  Think of it as a "green" printing practice.

Last fall the Fish Schtick interviewed Jeff Galbraith of The Flyfish Journal and if you haven't heard it yet it's worth a listen.  Jeff explains their philosophy and focus for The Flyfish Journal and I appreciated the magazine more after hearing this podcast. 

This magazine is one worth subscribing to if you haven't.

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