T.F.M. Pages

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mike Boward The Travel Agent

Long time friends Mike Boward, Dave Lofthouse, and I plan a trip every couple of  years together to some place trouty.  We've done Colorado, Wyoming, and for the past two trips Montana.  We've got friends there and the idea of fishing those rivers in the middle of October sounded like an excellent way to enjoy the western fall.

Dave and I very much enjoy the process of planning these trips with figuring out where we'll fish, what flies, where to stay, along with what we'll eat and drink.  Essentially the nuts and bolts of the trip.  Mike on the other hand would rather we just wing it with a couple granola bars tucked in our vest pocket and see what happens.

I was a little surprised when Dave emailed Mike and asked if he would look around at his flight options since he's begun his travel season early and was out of country on a work junket.

Mike scoffed at the idea of organizing travel plans for Dave but after securing his own direct D.I.A. to Bozeman flight he took a few minutes to put together an itinerary that I am still surprised that Dave passed on.

The itinerary copied from Mike's email to Dave...

Dave, I did some more searching and found another flight that might you might enjoy.  A very low price but quite a few connections.  Here are the details.

DEPART:  Compton Municipal Airport (New Airport)
Aircraft type:  Antonov AN-124 (Cargo Seat Section)

CONNECTION:  Holdrege Nebraska Municipal Airport
After arrival in Holdrege, take 1996 Chevy bus to Olafe, Kansas Airport

DEPART: Olafe, Kansas to next connecting airport, Bagdad, Iraq (Missle Defense Permitting)
Aircraft Type:  Tupolev TU-144 (A rare treat, as this is the only one left of the type intact)

CONNECTION:  Travel by camel (new model) to Lashkar Gah Afghanistan Airport

DEPART:  Travel to Kohler Wisconsin
 Aircraft Type:  De Havilland Comet

DEPART:  Leave Wisconsin, travel by cab to Chicago.  Take the El from State Street to Michigan Avenue, then rental car to Bismark, South Dakota

DEPART:  Bismark, SD to connection in Jaurez, Mexico
Aircraft Type:  Beechcraft Starship

DEPART:  Jaurez, Mexico to Great Falls, Montana
Aircraft Type:  Cessna 152
Travel via Rickshaw to Bozeman Airport

Travel Time:  23 and a half hours.

Look for more Montana trip posts in the coming weeks since the trip is only 46 days away.  Not that we're counting or anything.


  1. This sounds strangely like my itinerary for the Colorado Clave. Speaking of the camel, is that one hump or two?

  2. Sure is a sweet place your staying at. Wait til you see their new deck!
