T.F.M. Pages

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

T.F.M. Going To IFTD

With a plane ticket set, a car rental in the works, and all sorts plans being made, I am getting very excited about the upcoming trip to attend the AFFTA International Fly Tackle Dealer show in Denver, Colorado.

The IFTD show will be September 9th through 11th and I was somehow able to secure a media badge for the event.  I am really looking forward to this networking opportunity and will be dropping reports on T.F.M. from the IFTD floor of the new gear that will be finding it's way into fly shops early in 2011.

I'm also hoping to put a bug in a couple rod companies ears that they should consider bringing back a fiberglass line to their rod offerings.  There is some incredible vintage glass that started a few rod shops that are now known only for their graphite and bamboo lines.  It would be neat to see these companies bring back even a limited offering of fiberglass again.

I'll be trying to cover everything that is cool and different at the IFTD show...so stay tuned!         


  1. awesome! Cameron,

    are you bring your video camera? maybe do some interviews and broadcasting it on vimeo? just a suggestion... I would like to see some new gears as always : )

  2. Mark...the plan is to have the Flip HD there so it might be possible to do several interviews. I have already been talking to Tom (jgestar) about who we might want to interview for FFR and TFM.

  3. awesome!! Now I am excited about the reports! looking forward to some report from the stream side testing again ! Ha... wish I can go...
