T.F.M. Pages

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

T.F.M. Spotting - HOT NEWS Edition

Ah...so relaxing to see someone enjoying a lazy morning on the patio, drinking coffee, and reading the HOT NEWS edition of his local paper.  What could be better...right?

Spencer Ballard sent along his humorous submission for the T.F.M. Spotting Photo Contest and tells the story below on  how the HOT NEWS Facebook page came about.

"The story behind this picture is I was up fishing on the Au Sable River representing with my T.F.M. t-shirt and hoping for a nice shot to post for the contest. Nothing happened as planned and later in the evening I was joking around the fire with a buddy of mine. I was getting the fire going and a story in the newspaper caught my eye after I had already started it on fire. My fishing partner thought it was funny and snapped a picture and posted it to his facebook account (I was unaware). By the time I got back home the picture had received a lot of attention. I was surprised to see a similar picture posted by somebody in Colorado that I had never met. As more pictures started popping up I decided to start a facebook page named "HOT NEWS". The shot that started it all can be viewed on the "HOT NEWS" facebook page as well as others. It might take a certain sense of humor to find this kind of thing funny. Feel free to join in on the fun and next time you go camping be sure to post a "HOT NEWS" photo. On a fiberglass fly rod side note I fished my Steffen 5/6 weight glass rod on this trip and it performed flawlessly."

Check out the HOT NEWS Facebook page.  It is definitely worth a look.

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