T.F.M. Pages

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

This Week In #glassisnotdead

Lately I've been thinking that I need to scheme up a #glassisnotdead decal.  More on that soon I hope.  In the meantime there are over 900 photos on Instagram with this hashtag that have been posted from all over the world.  How cool is that?

This week's edition is a mix of serene scenes, bitchin old school weave work, big bends, bugs, and a few stunning fish as well.















 Be sure to hashtag your photos with #yearofthebluegill or #glassisnotdead and it may turn up in a future post.


  1. One of these pics is credited wrong. The B&W of the reflected trees and rod tip half way through, credited to johncvanvleet, is Dr_Gonzo77's pic (Mine)

  2. The Good Doctor... This post was from before the layout was expanded to go wider. I believe the accounts should match up with the appropriate photograph now. Thanks for the heads up.
