T.F.M. Pages

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

40 Inches Of Teeth And Fury

Just another quick dispatch before loading up the Land Cruiser and Towee for one more long day of fishing Musky Country before heading home tomorrow.  It's been a stellar trip in all respects and I really appreciate Brad showing me his world for the past few days.

Yesterday morning I mixed it up with a 40 inch musky to start things off.  The day slowed down after that but I didn't care a bit.

I officially achieved "Zero to Hero" with this brute and I am still totally stoked. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Release the Kraken! Hell yeah man nice fish, that looks like a blast!

  3. Well done Cameron. Cracker of a fish!

  4. Morty! We were envious of your musky success as news traveled to Gunnison! 40 inches was more fish than some of us caught over four days in Gunnison! HAHAHAHA Nicely done and thanks for sharing! B Safe and chat soon.
