T.F.M. Pages

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

American Angler - Q&A On Glass

While I was banging around northern Michigan last month, Phil Monahan of American Angler contacted me and asked if I would mind answering a few questions that he had prepped for an upcoming Q&A issue of the magazine.

The fourteen hour drive home (with two children playing, singing, and of course fighting) to South Carolina was more than enough time to think through the questions that Phil had sent and work out possible answers in my head.  Once home, I typed back 1,500 words that Phil thankfully edited down to the one page article that made the latest issue of American Angler.

It was an honor to be asked to participate in this interview to spread the word a little farther on the benefits of fiberglass fly rods and where all of this is heading.  There is a lot going on within this fly fishing niche and it's really neat to be a part of it.

The September/October 2013 issue of American Angler should be arriving in mailboxes and on news stands soon, if it hasn't already.  I picked up a copy yesterday at a local bookstore.  The American Angler iPad Edition should also be going live soon as well.

Check it out and let me know what you thought of it.

1 comment:

  1. I am really sorry, but it was too short. I would love to see an article on how much fiberglass rods have improved over the years.
