T.F.M. Pages

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

T.F.M. Spotting - The Honeymooners

This T.F.M. Spotting Photo Contest entry from David Zor is a full story that I can relate with since I too return home to the Midwest each summer to spend time with family at my parent's lake house.  It's tough to beat lake house life and all the memories that are collected there.

David wrote...  "Here's a couple photo's from my pseudo honeymoon.  I say pseudo because the real deal, sand, surf, saltwater flats fishing, tropical honeymoon is yet to come.  This was more of a "we have ten days after the wedding before we go back to work let's head north and hang with the family" kinda trip. 

A honeymoon would indicate that we'd have some privacy, this trip had none. Staying with family either near the farm or on the lake can make for tight quarters.  My grandparents bought their cottage on a lake when I was two months old.  It's smaller than a two car garage and has paper thin knotty pine for walls.  Couple that with a snoring couple of AARP members and, well, you get the idea. 

Wisconsin still feels like home. Small lakes, bluegill, crappie, bass, water skiing and mile long swims in the warm afternoon sun.  Lakeside fires, hearty Slovenian meals with S'mores for dessert.  Farm fields of sugar snap peas and "you pick em" strawberry patches.  The experience is much more than just going fishing.  It tugs much deeper than any warmwater species can pull a fly line.  After the hook is set the feeling takes a run deep into your backing, making you wish the days would drag on a bit longer and the nights campfire would die a little slower.  The feeling of much more than a fish at the end of your line, but the tug of summer's essence.

 Casting the two weight in search of blue gold.  Success was high this day.

That's my hero on the left and cousin on the right. Hero's been putting a worm under a bobber for the last three quarters of a century and he's still at it.

Support your local fly shop.  Desert Sportsman is where it's at!

But this one ties it all together for me.  I've stood out on that pier every summer that I've been able to stand.  Sometimes fishing, others not.  There's a lot to see in this picture. Most of it isn't visible, but I assure you, the memories are there.

And of course thanks to my wonderful wife for putting up with my family and capturing the memories."

Congrats...and enjoy your "real" honeymoon together.

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