T.F.M. Pages

Friday, August 9, 2013

Weekend Giveaway - RHW or LHW?

When I started fly fishing twenty years ago, I really didn't have anyone to tell me which hand I should be casting with and what hand I should be reeling with.  I am mostly right handed but for whatever reason found it most comfortable to cast with my right hand and then reel with my right hand as well.  Maybe it's because I learned to fly fish on bluegill and small trout in northern Michigan and it was likely years into fly fishing before I really needed to reel instead of just strip line in. 

Years later I read and heard instruction that I likely should be reeling with my left hand, since I cast with my right hand, but it would be all buy impossible to retrain me now.  I will say that I can't remember a fish that I've ever lost because I switched hands from right to left, though it does add some extra motions to do so when there is a hot fish running line out the guides.

Oh well...I am firmly and forever RHW.  What are you?

Earlier in the year Orvis debuted their newest Battenkill fly reel.  This classic looking click and pawl fly reel is machined from bar stock aluminum, available in three useful sizes, and is a heck of a lot of value for $98.

There is just one thing that Orvis didn't bet on, and that was there are a lot of people that reel with their right hand, and for whatever reason this reel was designed with a slick four position click and pawl drag that really only works in left hand wind.  Not cool.  Orvis quickly realized that this just wasn't going to work (They got phone calls, emails, and the fly reel geeks on internet forums picked this fly reel apart.) and a quick redesign went into effect so that now these reels can make the switch easily from right or left hand wind with the flip of the spring and pawl. 

When these fly reels were introduced I was sent a set to give away on T.F.M.  That set is LHW only and since Orvis realizes that the entire T.F.M. readership doesn't all reel with their left hand, I've got another set in the mail that is convertible to both left and right hand wind.

So...instead of three Battenkill fly reels to giveaway this weekend I've got six.  How cool is that?

1.  Send an email to tfmcontests@gmail.com and tell me three things...

A.  Are you RHW or LHW?

B.  What fly rod (It better be glass.  Just saying...) would you put one of these fly reels on?

C.  Would you be most interested in the Battenkill fly reel in Size I, II, or III?

2.  Only ONE EMAIL submission per email address.  Duplicates will be deleted.

3.  Submissions will be accepted until 6:00 a.m. Monday, August 12, 2013. 

4.  On Monday morning SIX WINNERS will be chosen by random number generator and then listed at the bottom of this post.  Winners will also be contacted by email as well.

5.  Each of the six winners will receive a Battenkill fly reel of their choice and a few T.F.M. decals will be stuffed in the box as well.

There was a huge response to this weekend giveaway with over 600 emails sent in since last Friday morning.  I had a good time going through each one and was kind of surprised that most readers planned to put one of these fly reels on a fiberglass rod.  I'd say 80% or more. 

The random number generator woke up early this morning and chose the following winners...


Congratulations to the six winners listed above.  I will notify each winner today through email as well.

Thanks to all that participated in this giveaway and thanks also to Orvis for the support and providing the six Battenkill fly reels. 

More information on the Orvis Battenkill fly reels can be found on their website.


  1. I never skated goofy foot, just flyfished goofy. Rh'd set up Lh. my friends hate borrowing my rods

  2. There is no right way to reel but I am a righty/righty as well. A couple reasons I am glad I do it that way is in salt water, you cast all day with a big rod and when you play a fish it's good to give your casting arm a rest. PLus if you are strongly righty it's much easier to just hold a rod with your left hand because it requires far more dexterity to reel that it does to hold a rod. The arm strength issue doesn't seem to be as much an issue as dexterity. Finally, if you cast right and reel left, your reel handle is on the left side of your rod and can catch the line when casting.

    But do whatever feels comfortable for you!

  3. I think that rightly, an Orvis reel guy and someone who fishes correctly, righthanded...left wind should put one of those reels to good use. Thanks Cam and Orvis.

  4. SY...we never have to worry about our friends borrowing our gear. There's something to be said for that. HA...

    Tom...thanks for the comment and knowledge. Oh yeah...and for the support for this giveaway as well.

    Howard...maybe famous bloggers aren't eligible for the contest. Did you think about that? HA...

  5. I was always told to switch: If you're casting with your right, tiring that arm more so than the left, that you should battle fish holding the rod in your left, therefore reeling with your right. Essnetiall,y I am in 100% agreement with Tom's above statement. And he makes a good point(and something I have noticed over the years): If youre casting right and reel left, your line has has the potential to get caught on the handle of the reel.

    With the exception of spinning reels, I am ambidextrous with both fly reels and casting reels. I can battle fish, and reel, with either hand on the crank, proficiently.

    There is no right or wrong way. Again, Tom already said it: Do what is comfortable to you. Simply adapt, overtime, to overcome casting or reeling issues.
