T.F.M. Pages

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tenkara Tie-A-Thon For Flood Victims

Tenkara USA announced yesterday on their blog that they are sponsoring a reverse hackle fly tie-a-thon this weekend and will donate all the proceeds to the Colorado flood victims.

This is a unique tie-a-thon since you get to keep all the flies you tie this weekend for the event and Tenkara USA will hopefully make a sizable donation when it is over. 

Here are the rules for the weekend event...

1.  The only flies that will be counted for this event will be reverse hackle flies, such as the Kebari, that are typically used in tenkara style angling.

2.  Participants should then post photos or videos on Facebook or Twitter and use the hashtags #tenkarausa and #tenkara4COflood.  

3.  Tenkara USA will donate $1 for every fly tied or $5 for every fly tying video uploaded using the appropriate hashtags.

4.  This event begins today and will end on Sunday, September 22nd, 2013 at midnight.

Don't know what a reverse hackle fly is?  Watch this video for a good start.

Check out the Tenkara USA Blog for more information.


  1. Kebari means hook. Sakasa is reversed hackle. Despite the TUSA mantra many, many Tenkara flies are not reversed hackled. Good job TUSA for helping out the flood victims.

  2. Smitty, thank you for sharing that - though kebari actually means "haired hook" (i.e. fly), and sakasa simply means "reverse".
    We are not implying that all tenkara flies are reverse hackle, and it is not our mantra. In fact we've talked a fair amount on our blog about that. But the reverse hackle flies are the most characteristic and unique tenkara flies and we want to see a lot of those tied this weekend and shared online. That's why in our blog we called it the "Reverse Hackle Tenkara Tie-a-thon", rather than simply "tenkara tie-a-thon"
    Daniel, Tenkara USA

  3. Smitty...thanks for checking in and hope that you play along with a few flies.

    Tenkara USA...thanks for the comments as well.
