T.F.M. Pages

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fall & Fly Reels

Tom Anderson has a few obsessions with one being his ever growing collection of Kineya Tackle fly reels.  He recently took a few of his favorite fly reels out for a quick photo session and I asked if I could share them here since I'm sure that others enjoy seeing pretty things as well.   

Tom wrote...  "I have been interested in Masatoshi Okui's Kineya reels since meeting him at a gathering at the CFFCM some years ago.  I bought my first Kineya there which was a bi-metal Model 301B.  It seems like every time I run into Mass I wind up buying another reel - think I'm now up to eight.   He's a wonderful guy and I consider him a good friend. 

All Kineya fly reels are wonderfully elegant designs that are perfectly executed and completely made in-house down to the smallest screw.  

I think of Mass' reel creations as very functional pieces of art and cannot seem to resist taking photos of them - a very easy task I might add.  Over the years I have been sending Mass some of my reel photos, many of which have appeared on his website cover page." 

Masatoshi Okui's craftsmanship is flawless and his designs so unique. I wish I owned more than one.  I'm sure that in time I will.

Please visit the Kineya Tackle website to see more of Masatoshi's offerings.

For those interested in purchasing a Kineya Tackle fly reel, be sure to check out Vintage Fly Tackle and see what they have in stock as well as examples of sold fly reels.

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