T.F.M. Pages

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fiberglass In The Smokies Postcard

There are few rod builders that I follow that get out on the water as often as Nathan Chapman of Southern Appalachian Rod Co. and he keeps his Facebook page flooded with images constantly with his frequent trips into the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Here's your moment of GSMNP with glass rods Zen...

Check out the Southern Appalachian Rod Co. website to see more of Nathan's work and follow the Facebook page for the latest shop news.


  1. that's a pretty awesome post card right there now

  2. Just fantastic. Wow..

    Am now less concerned about Fall color this weekend in the Nantahala/Wayah/Topton area than where the trout are hiding ;)

    Thx Cameron for the posts as always.
