T.F.M. Pages

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Cutthroat Leader Co. - Dry Fly Leaders

Have you ever used a furled leader?  I've been using them for years and besides spending a lot of time on the water with them, I also put them on all the fly lines that I use for lawn casting and demonstrations.  Furled leaders are an excellent extension of your fly line and really aid in laying out perfect presentations.  

Michael Morin of Cutthroat Leader Co. takes a few minutes in this video to explain the benefits of using the Dry Fly Leader and is worth a watch.

Visit the Cutthroat Leader Co. website to check out all the products that they offer.  Remember to use discount code "TFM" for 15% off your order.


  1. I have a few furled leaders in my vest I think. Never used them so far.
    Why? Dunno…

    Well, I do. I do a lot of nymphing (about 90% of the time) and I don't ant to swap leaders every time I tie a dry fly on (and the other way around).

  2. Cant say enough great things about Mike and Cutthroat Leaders! Great leaders, amazing customer service, and designed by fly fishers for fly fishers! Thanks for shouting out for him! Nice post my friend

  3. Just ordered, BTW "TFM" gave me 15% off.

  4. just met michael at the pleasanton ca fly fishing show. friendly dude good people.

  5. Just ordered some leaders to match to my blue halo 4wt, super excited to try them out next season as we just finished our season the other day here in Australia! Thank you for the discount!
