T.F.M. Pages

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Clinic - Pyramid Lake

Two weeks from today I'll be out on Pyramid Lake with a group of friends hucking flies from atop a ladder.  This place has been on my mind for a couple years now and this video from Catch, Snap, & Release really got me going last year. Stoked to be making this trip a reality soon.

We'll start off our trip with Matt Koles of Gilligan's Guide Service doing with all day clinic learning about this unique fishery.  I'm hoping that we can find at least a couple of the large Lahontan Cutthroat that call that lake home.


  1. I just got back from Pyramid yesterday. My local fly fishing club has an annual trip out there every year. Unfortunatley I didnt even get a bite the whole weekend, but our whole group brought in 16 or so throughout the weekend, it seemed like it was slow for everyone on the lake. but that weekend did have someone bring in a 21 pounder for the fishing derby and two more 19s the previous weeks. So the big ones are out there. Even on a good day the lahontans are far and few between but we all keep going back for that chance at a big one.

  2. Cam- A unique fishery to say the least. Interested to see what gear you bring and how it shakes out.... It get's WINDY on the Pyramid!

    Have fun.

  3. statikpunk...sounds like tough conditions. Oh well...we'll give it our best shot.

    TML...I don't know what the rest of the group is bringing but I'll be carrying a bunch of 6-9 weight glass sticks, full sinking lines, and clicker reels.

  4. Matt is a good guide and a good person. You'll have a blast.
