T.F.M. Pages

Monday, June 22, 2015

Kicked Out

I slid the kayak into the pond just after 6 a.m. on Father's Day morning as I was more or less kicked out of the house so that the family could prepare breakfast and wrap my gift.  I didn't fight it at all as I certainly wasn't going to complain about getting a pond fix before working on a few outside chores the rest of the day. 

It was a beautiful morning with a fog rolling off the pond as I arrived.  We're in week two of afternoon temperatures near and over 100 degrees each day which has warmed the pond up to bath water and there is a lot of activity with turtles poking their heads up, bugs everywhere, and the occasional slurp of a surface feed.

I made a long cast of the foam fly up against a group of lily pads, looked away to take in the grandeur of the morning, and heard the unmistakable suck of a large bass.  Surprised I looked back to where the fly had been and it was replaced with large rings in the surface.  I lifted the rod to feel it buck with a heavy fish.  One thump, two thump, and then nothing.  Bass gone.  DAMN...    

Fortunately I was able to catch a few other bass during this morning out but that lost bass was the one that I really wanted to touch.  Maybe next time...


  1. Great looking pond to have access to. Curious about the fly you have there. Looks like an interesting tie. Do you have any info on it, recipes, or links if they already exist?


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Cameron if I may....

      Dave, the fly is one of several developed by Kevin Price such as the Warmaater Whammy, Snake Charmer & Mississippi Mudflap. All utilize Aunt Lydias yarn for the legs or tails. If you Google his name and the fly names above you'll find several site. If you decide to tie them yourself let me know... The yarn is sold in 100 yard bundles...its not super expensive however I bought 4 colors and have way more than I'll need in a lifetime. I can send you some for free...that offer is also extended to you Cameron. Anyway, hope that helps.
