T.F.M. Pages

Saturday, December 26, 2015

When We Get Together Again This Time Next Year

This is really good.  Steve Duda of The Flyfish Journal reads one of his pieces for Waist Deep Media in this stellar short film.

Click PLAY and enjoy.

Choice line at the four minute mark that captures exactly why we do this...

"Simply stated, we go to awesome places with our friends and make friends with places that are awesome."

As a side note, it's cool to see a glass fly rod and clicker fly reel in Steve's hand.  No doubt fitting in this soulful piece of art. 


  1. That peice of writing is better than good.

  2. One of the best Posts I have ever seen. The Blog just keeps evolving brother.......see you at a Fly Show!!

  3. DJ...you're right. It's fucking great.

    TCL...thanks. Not my video but happy to share it.
