T.F.M. Pages

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Moldy Chum Launches New Online Store - 10% For Conservation

When I first started writing T.F.M. (almost eight years ago) there was far less going on in the blogoshere than now but a force then, and certainly still a force now, has been Moldy Chum for their constant push for conservation and their often times (and always needed) irreverent look at fly fishing.

Moldy Chum has linked up with Upstream Journey to launch a line of apparel which 10% of all proceeds will benefit conservation organizations such as Trout Unlimited, Bonefish & Tarpon Trust, Save The Chuitna, and the Wild Steelhead Coalition.   

Excerpt from the Moldy Chum presser...

"From day one, the Chum has been dedicated to fighting for fish, and we wanted that ethos reflected in our apparel. That’s why we are donating 10% of the price of every product to conservation organizations and campaigns working on the frontlines to protect fish. And that’s why we are committed to using environmentally responsible materials such as organic cotton, recycled polyester, and phthalate-free dyes. 

We are proud to be partnering with Upstream Journey, a new outdoor apparel brand that is a collaborative creation of dedicated conservationists, avid outdoorsmen/women, and world-class artists working to celebrate and conserve our irreplaceable outdoor resources. With their help, the Chum store offers apparel you'll love wearing while fishing your secret spot or telling fish tales at your local watering hole."

Kick the tires of the new website and check out the new wears HERE. 

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