T.F.M. Pages

Thursday, March 17, 2016

OPST Presents - How to Tie Trevor's Squid

Almost forty minutes of instruction from Trevor Covich in the latest Olympic Peninsula Skagit Tactics video.

Check out the OPST website for more information.  I think one of those Commando Heads are calling my name.


  1. I'm an OPST convert! I've been using Commando Heads and Lasar running line for trout Spey, and some single handed fishing. It's so impressive. Words fail.
    Being an aggressive tinkerer, I've also cut up some old Ambush lines and 406 double tappers to play with Lasar running line on single handed trout rods. They shoot farther than I expected on the lawn and will be fished soon. Film at 11. . .

  2. John...good to know. I need to order up a couple of heads to play with.
