T.F.M. Pages

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Northern Exposure

You remember Chase and Aimee of Tight Loops, right?  They just released a new video of their latest van life and fly fishing adventure dubbed "Northern Exposure".  Click PLAY and enjoy.

From Tight Loops...  "Aimee and I once spent an entire summer living out of our van, gallivanting around the western United States soaking in every bit of its wondrous beauty. But where would they go from there? How could we follow up an experience like that? We found ourselves often bemoaning the fact that “we don’t live near anything that awesome” back in Massachusetts. But the truth is that's a load of BS, and the opportunities for adventure in this country are only as limited as your imagination. After several hundred hours scouring every nook and cranny of the available literature, and many long, good, talks on the phone with soon-to-be new friends, we had an itinerary. Don't expect to see any geotags of these rivers on Instagram, the folks up there keep it pretty close to the chest, but if you make the effort and earn your stripes, I guarantee you’ll be put on a 3+ pound, wild Maine squaretail in no time. The only question is; how the hell are we going to top that?"

More goodness on the Tight Loops website, Instagram, and Vimeo channel.

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