Monday, October 20, 2008

Guiding Friends

Some of my greatest memories fly fishing have been while "guiding friends". I don't pretend to be any kind of expert but there is a wonderful satisfaction to standing side by side in a river, seeing through the glare, and pointing out a feeding trout.

(Photo - Michael Boward)

Whether it be the first cast or an hour later trying to fly feed a fish it's all good times. The conversation that flows back and forth, the anticipation as a trout fins over to look at the passing fly, or from time to time a rise or wink and the line goes tight. Two friends are left laughing together as a trout is slid into the waiting net to soon be released.

The guide's job is complete.


Joel said...

Hey I know that fishing hole! Sweet picture Mike! I wish I was there right now fishing with you guys!


flynbird said...

My buddies and I often use a spotter in a tree. That is also good fun "teamwork" fish'n. I have guided for many years and guiding my friends is still the funnest. Very cool, Cam.


Cameron Mortenson said...

Joel...I can't wait to get back to that spot...and hope you can come along this time.

Thom...after years of being "selfish" on the water with I'd rather spend the time standing side by side and enjoy the experience with them. If I touch a couple of fish...fine. If not...fine as well.