Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sauce For Flies Swap

A few weeks ago Jon Barnes (CreationBear) and I began an PM exchange about dry flies and yellow mustard base BBQ sauce which ended in a box with several bottles of sauce finding it's way to Tennessee...and a yellow bubble envelope of flies showing up in my mail box in South Carolina.

This past weekend I organized the several dozen flies into a vacant Cliff Outdoors "Days Worth" fly box...and am looking forward to a GSMNP backcountry fly fishing trip where these flies will surely rise a brook trout from the depths of a pool for a look.

Thanks CreationBear...these flies are spectacular. Enjoy the yellow BBQ sauce. There is more where it came from.


flyfishingunlimited said...

Very nice collection of flies in a cute box... I am sure they will be perfect for your backcountry explorations!


Great work! Jon

I have several his hopper patterns... I don't know if they catch fish or not (I am NOT going to try them on the water...)But they definately Catch my eyes! : )

Love the little box too! Cameron. The more I fish, the more I love those little fly box!

Cameron Mortenson said...

Thanks thoughts are changing about carrying the entire fly collection with me fly fishing and enjoying just carrying a box or two on trips.

For GSMNP I figure I can do the trip with two Days Worth boxes. This one...and another filled with small dries and soft hackles. OK...maybe I'll add a few flashy/buggy nymphs too.