Sunday, October 12, 2008

T.F.M. Approved - Cloudveil

Since Jackson is just up the road from Mike Carlson's house he stopped in and met the fellows at Cloudveil who decided to sponsor the team for the Cuttie-Thon with a set of the 8X Pro waders and boots. These arrived just in time for the event and Mike was really excited to give them a test drive on a long day on the Grey's River.

Thirteen miles of fly fishing, hiking, and battling riverside willows that choked the edges of the river and the waders only took on one small puncture from a beaver sharpened stick. Mike did a streamside fix with the Aquaseal that was provided with the waders and they were as good as new in minutes.

Besides a very comfortable cut these waders had a few other neat features with waterproof zippered pockets and removeable suspenders to turn the full waders into pant waders with ease.

Check out Cloudveil at I've seen photos of a few pieces of their 2009 line up and they look pretty impressive.

1 comment:


Cool!! I got to attend this event next year! The waterproof zipper thing looks amazing. And IF I care what I looks in the riverside... In the Cloudveil would be a nice choice, good looking... most of the times I don't though... : D maybe it would be a good present for a lady.