Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Memories of Fall

Lately I've been replaying a memory sequence which takes me back to a crisp southwest Michigan afternoon over a decade ago on an out of the way river.

A friend and I were swinging spey flies through riffled runs for steelhead when my line went taunt and minutes later a silver and beige hued lake run brown trout was tailed with a black hackled fly hooked solid in the jaw.

This was the first fish I had taken on a swung spey fly and the experience will always come flowing back from the recesses of my mind when the leaves change from green to gold and I hear rumors of large brown trout, salmon, and steelhead rushing into those Michigan rivers from the big water of the lake.


flynbird said...

I remember the first time I swung a fly into the mouth of a Steelie. It was on the Siletz River on the Oregon coast. I caught 3 in 5 drifts. I have not had that kind of luck since it is burned in my mind. Good Times.

Jeff (trout bum) said...


Just hooked up with some metal heads over the weekend swinging the double hander! Getting the painting for the Aelwife Spey prepped right now. Check out the images at the drawing flies 365 blog.

I have fished the SW Michigan rivers numerous times with great success.

Talk soon,


Cameron Mortenson said...

Great comments fellows. Jeff...your Aelwife Spey email just came through and it was damn fine work. Nice to see a few big steelhead with flies in their mouths.