Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Plastic Drift Boats and Fly-O Fishing!

A couple of weeks after Finn was born, I came home to find a long triangle package waiting for me at the doorstep. I opened it to find that fly fishing photographer Aaron Otto of the photo blog Sleeping in the Dirt, had sent along a Royal Wulff Fly-O for Finn to learn on. (Little does Aaron know that Finn's casting hack father could learn a few tricks on this thing too.)

It didn't take to long for Hadley's interest to be perked and she commandeered an empty laundry basket as her drift boat, the Fly-O as her fly rod, and she was off on her float through the great room into the entry way of the house.

Apparently the fly fishing was excellent since she soon had caught a brown trout, a salmon, and two "eels". The imagination of a child is really quite amazing.

Aaron, thanks for the gift of the Fly-O which I hope leads both of our children to enjoy fly fishing more than they would have otherwise.

Finally, check out Aaron's site Sleeping In The Dirt. He is always on the go to some place epic with a fly rod and camera and his site tells these stories with stunning photography work. Always worth a look.



Wonderful!! Put a hula ring in different distance...then there is family competition for future Joan Wulff! : )

Cameron Mortenson said...

Mark...great suggestion. I'm such a hack that I'd be afraid that Hadley would already out cast me! HA...

Anonymous said...


Wooden Boat Lust?