Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blue Ribbon Nets Arrive

Hopefully you've noticed the Blue Ribbon Nets ad that is running on the T.F.M. page and have checked out their website to see what they offer. 

Mike Westfall of Blue Ribbon Nets recently sent a package containing a few nets for me to use and to give away for an upcoming T.F.M. contest.  I've never been a landing net geek until now and I am thoroughly impressed.   

I have been fishing with the large Catch & Release Net since last fall and really like it a lot.  I'm looking forward to using the Canoe Net this summer in the kayak on a list of trips I'm working out on local ponds and rivers and plan to use this net while wade fishing with friends as well.

The highlight for Blue Ribbon Nets this year is the new AquaFade Ultra Light netting.  This new clear net material is stronger, a fraction of the weight of typical rubber netting, and is also made from a more environmentally safe material that is PVC free.

I have both a medium AquaFade Ultra Light Catch & Release Net and Oval Net and they are unbelievably lighter than the other nets that I own. 

You don't realize how much weight the netting adds to the overall weight of a net until you feel the difference between the AquaFade Ultra Light Nets and the rest.

Blue Ribbon Nets have a long list of models to chose from, in all sizes, and with several different wood types and netting choices so that you can find the perfect net for the type of fishing that you do.

Lastly, Blue Ribbon Nets are quality made in Montana from start to finish which certainly says something great about the company as well.


The Jersey Angler said...

They make a great net. I have the Jacklin Guide model. I have had it for a few years now and love it. I have been thinking about ordering another one with the clear bag.

Unknown said...

Love the clear plastic netting. Wish They could make them for saltwater!

Spencer DT said...

Awesome, I will be purchasing one of these. Thanks for the scoop.

Cameron Mortenson said...

TJA...I think you'll like the clear bag choices a lot and the AquaFade models even more.

Amanda...you should email Mike and see if that is possible with a metal frame.

Spencer...no problem. Which one are you looking at?