Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First Work Then Play

We are really starting to see spring here in South Carolina and it was great to get outside this past Sunday to get some work done which included giving both of our kayaks a through washing.

I know I get hassled for being a bit obsessive compulsive with keeping the Ultimate and Versa Board clean but they had both gotten a bit dusty being dry docked in the garage all winter.  Hadley and Finn were a big help and had a good time getting each other wet if nothing else.

With afternoon temps pushing 80 degrees (sorry anywhere else that still has snow on the ground) we spent a couple of hours paddling on the family pond which is just through the woods from our house. 

Even though there were no fly rods involved in this trip it was neat to see how much our children enjoy being out on the water.  I foresee a spring and summer spent largely on the pond or in the pool.


GFP said...

ok, I'll let the OCD slide since the kids had a fun water fight.

However, every time you say "family pond" I think how lucky you are, but having now seen it's size and location, I just hate you! Ship 1/2 the pond up to my backyard and I'll reconsider!


Cameron Mortenson said...

GFP...it's called the "Family Pond" but it's at least 100 acres. Almost a small lake.

Borderfly said...

You have a pool!

I see pool party in the near future, I'll book my flight when I get the word.
