Monday, February 6, 2012

2012 Tie-One-On-Athon

Heads up to all fly tiers, anglers, or those that just want to get out of the house for a few hours who live in the greater Asheville area that the 2nd Annual Tie-One-On-Athon is coming up on Sunday, February 26th from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The Tie-One-On-Athon event has been organized and is sponsored by Southern Culture On The Fly, Hunter Banks, and The Fiberglass Manifesto.

Come for the fly tying, the food, the drink, the peeps, and the chance to win some fly gear as well.  I spent a couple weeks last month helping the fellows at SCOF line up some very excellent swag which will be given away at the event.

This fly tying event benefits Project Healing Waters and is worth your time to attend and support.

Check out the slide show from last year's event.  I had just gotten a new 50mm f/1.8 lens and had a good time shooting all afternoon.

Follow the Southern Culture On the Fly Blog for more information as this event approaches.


Jamey said...

Sounds like a great event!! Where is the best place to get tickets? Hunter Banks?

Streamers 365 said...

Very cool. Wish I was close to go check this out.

southern culture said...

-cameron, good pr'ing dude.
-Jamey we'll have tickets at Hunter banks by the end of the week. You can also pick them up day of