Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Swift Fly Fishing Epic Field Testing

As Swift Fly Fishing gets ever closer to releasing their line up of Epic fiberglass blanks (more on this in later T.F.M. posts) some serious field testing was in order and Carl McNeil, along with a few of his very competent fly casting friends, took off for a week of fly fishing together on their home waters in New Zealand.  Tough gig, eh?

Along for the trip were Peter Hayes, Matthew Howell, and Simon Zarifeh and a few photographs have surfaced of the various Epic blank builds being put through the paces.

Carl wrote...  "The three guys along for the trip are all FFF Masters and also about the best fly casters and teachers I've seen (and that includes my extensive travels in the U.S.).

We spent the week fishing and casting together.  At first I think they were all a little dubious about my glass rods, but within a day they had all but abandoned their graphite rods and elected to fish glass.  They were quite astounded.  All trout caught were in the three to four pound range and in very fast flowing water."

The Epic fiberglass blanks are still a few weeks away from being released but check out the Swift Fly Fishing website and Facebook page for more information.

1 comment:

ratfacedmcdougal said...

I'd like to see how a carbon rod would look after a bend like those were put on it.