Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rock The Post - VEDAVOO

I first stumbled across Vedavoo a couple of years ago when they were just getting their start.  I saw a posting on Facebook and kept clicking pages and links until I ended up on their website.  I remember being really impressed with the gear pieces but even more so with the ideals that owner Scott Hunter had for his fledgling company.

Made In The U.S.A. From Day One
Fast forward three years and all the pieces of the puzzle continue to fall into place for Vedavoo as the hard work is paying off and the orders continue to flood the basement shop.  The growth has been so phenomenal that it's now time for Vedavoo to move production to a U.S. factory who will do the majority of the construction and sewing of the gear line up.

Vedavoo has posted a project on the Rock The Post website and is using crowd sourcing to help fund their plans.  Check out this two minute video in which Scott Hunter explains where they've come from and where they hope to go.

Check out the Vedavoo Rock The Post page for more information and seriously consider contributing to this project. I think the best is yet to come for this company.

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