As a father that juggles a very weird work schedule and misses a few family obligations along the way I can still only guess what a soldier's life is like when separated from their families for months at a time. T.F.M. reader Matthew DeLorenzo was recently reunited with his son and sent along this image for the
T.F.M. Spotting Photo Contest.
Matthew wrote...
"I recently returned
home from Afghanistan but unlike most other soldiers I did not get to go
directly home. I hurt my knee while I was there so they sent me
straight to a rehab center in the states. On my first pass days I went
to visit my son but he was shy and nervous so it was good too see him
but it didn't go as planned. Strangely though, after I left, his mom told
me that all the next week he was asking "Where's daddy?" Needless to say
I hauled ass back there and we had such a great reunion. I was looking
back through my pictures today after I got back and I realized I was
wearing my favorite new T.F.M. shirt and thought I would share. Keep up the
good work."
Glad that you are home safe and sound. Enjoy the time with your son and hope your rehabilitation goes well too.
Glad to see another soldier home safe.
Glad to see you're home! Enjoy your time with your family.
Matt DeLorenzo! my hat is off to you and every member of the armed services that sacrifice so that we may enjoy our family friends and fly fishing! Morty thanks for giving a well deserved shout out to all our heros!
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