Sunday, May 5, 2013

Fine Tackle's Epic 580 And "The Can"

This post is as much about showing off a few photos of Christian Hörgren's first Swift Fly Fishing Epic 580 build as it is about passing on the latest news of "The Can" fly reel project that he's been working on as well.

Christian wrote...  "Here is my first Epic build.  This was made for a friend who asked for a fast and powerful trout rod capable of fighting large trout in strong waters.  This is by far the fastest glass rod I have handled and this fly rod was built with Snake Brand Universal black nickel, Pearsall olive/java tipping, blued hardware from Bellinger with selected spalted maple, and a flat full wells with a slight swell forward. 

As far as "The Can" project, I have been approached by a new company on the market, that very soon will launch their website. I have been asked to be one of their featured designers and this reel will be produced in a near future.  The company is a joint venture between an American small scale manufacturer and a European reel dealer and entrepreneur.

This is all fantastic news to me!  I hope we can offer this reel at a fair price, as I know many of you are attracted to the contemporary yet retro looking design of it."

I can think of several fly rods that I own which would be the perfect match for "The Can" and I can't wait until this fly reel makes production. 

Check out the Fine Tackle website and Facebook page to keep up with the latest shop news from Sweden.

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