Wednesday, March 26, 2014


There are a few personalities within fly fishing who have seemed to figure it all out, and I am sure that I am romancing the trout bum lifestyle (Ramen...again?) just a bit, but John Gierach has made a career out of fly fishing and then writing about it.  That lucky bastard.

On April 15th, John Gierach's latest book, All Fishermen Are Liars, will be released and it's a collection of essays of his fly fishing travels across North America. 

I'll be spending a few evenings with a review copy that arrived this week and look for a possible weekend giveaway of a couple (possibly signed by Gierach) copies of All Fishermen Are Liars in a few weeks.

Take a few minutes and give John Gierach's new website a look which provides information on this new book, upcoming appearances, and past published books as well.


Dub The Thorax said...

Im about halfway through mine. digging it so far.

jack welling said...

Just ordered - er - pre-ordered.

How can I resist the truth about liars?

Thanks for the heads up here on FgM.