Thursday, October 31, 2019

ARTIFISHAL: The Fight to Save Wild Salmon

I don't ask this often but will with this because it's important and everyone should be taking notes. 

First, take an hour and twenty minutes to watch ARTIFISHALPatagonia pushed this documentary live on YouTube yesterday and almost 150,000 views later it's getting around.  You'll be better for understanding  

Second, share this documentary with your friends.  Start with your friends that fish but don't forget your friends that don't.  Think about your friends that eat fish too as there is a message for them as well.

Hatcheries and commercial fish farming are doing more harm than good and at a time when everyone wants instant gratification, we should instead be looking forward to what the future looks like.  It's not pretty unless we make changes now.   

Patagonia continues to put full focus on conservation and there are ways that we all can make a difference.  Think about your local fishery, would it better without a hatchery truck spilling non-natives into it? What if those hatchery dollars instead went towards stream and waterway improvements to strengthen native fish habitat?  Also, let's all make better decisions with what we eat and look for sustainably wild caught fish over those that have been plucked from a pen.