Thursday, December 26, 2019

LEIDERMAN RODS - Putting the Wonder Back in a Wonderod

It's pretty easy to get hyper focused on the "latest greatest" in fiberglass fly rods and maybe forget about the favorites of decades past.  Some of these fly rods are in such disrepair that it would be easy to them die in the corner of a shed somewhere.  Or you could package it up in a triangle box and send it to Leiderman Rods for a full refresh.

Matt Leiderman recently gave new life to this 6'6" Wonderod and the end results are an insight to what's possible.  Maybe your Grandpa's old fly rod deserves this too.

New blank or a refresh of a cherished fly rod, Leiderman Rods is a go-to choice for the work.  Visit his website and be sure to follow along on Facebook and Instagram for the latest shop news.

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