Mike Carlson and I spent the first day of the week long Wyoming trip looking for Bonneville Cutthroat in a meadow stream broken here and there by beaver ponds. We had found fish willing to rise to the typical attractor flies. Admittedly each of us missed several very large trout that would materialize from the depths and undercuts to take feathered Hoppers, Wulff's, and Coachman's only to lift the line and fly before it had taken hold.
These Bonneville Cutthroats have the laziest rises I've seen from a trout species. Instead a "porpoise" type rise where the trout will rise while moving forward, these trout seem to rise directly beneath a fly in a straight up and down fashion where the trout seems to be looking straight up into the sky.
With a size 14 yellow Wulff I cast upstream as far and near the overhanging willow branches that I could and watched as the dry fly danced downstream. Suddenly a set of jaws slowly rose and sucked the fly in. I lifted the line tight and immediately the Edgar Sealey started clicking as the trout ran downriver in haste.
Amazing fish, Cam-congratulations! Great story, too!
This is unreal fish indeed! Cameron
Small creek with native fish on fiberglass rod! fabulous unreal feel!...well... I guess it only happends when you willing to use fiberglass rod! : P
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