Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dylan Fouste - Artist (and T.F.M. Printer)

When we first moved to South Carolina I met Dylan Fouste, who was still in school and just starting to get his name known off the walls of coffee shops and art shows. Ten years later Dylan works for a print shop (making T.F.M. decals when no one is looking) and spends evenings and weekends in a studio at his house in the woods.

Recently Dylan was given a cello by the South Carolina Philharmonic to transform it into a piece of art. At the end of this month it will be auctioned off along with several other pieces of instrument art which were done by other local artists. The completed pieces can be seen here.

A few weeks ago I stopped in at Dylan's "Old House" studio and took a few photos of the cello in progress. Dylan had canvases stacked everywhere and others on the walls of the house. His work is impressive. Dylan has sixteen pages of his past works and photos on his myspace page.

Thanks Dylan for the stacks (and stacks) of T.F.M. decals you've printed and I look forward to see what comes off your easel next.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very impressive stuff!