Sunday, May 10, 2009

South Fork Rod Company Does It Again

The Fiberglass Manifesto is excited that the South Fork Rod Company is offering 25% OFF all of their rod series through June 10th to those that mention T.F.M. with their order.

This discount includes their Classic fiberglass, Pioneer and Saltwater graphite, Bamboo, and even their Blackfin Inshore/Offshore series of rods.

With five different two piece models in the Classic series ranging from a two weight to five weight you can surely find a fly rod to fill a gap in your fiberglass collection. Take special notice to the nine foot five weight and look for an upcoming review on T.F.M. about this unique glass offering.

To make a T.F.M. discounted purchase of a Classic series fly rod please use this LINK. Once you press submit the price will be discounted on the next form. Remember to chose from one of six different thread colors for your rod wraps.

To place an order for any of the other rod series please contact Margot Redington through her email at or by phone at 772-288-3067.

After demoing one of their rods I can attest that the Redington's build a very high quality rod for an extremely reasonable price...with or without the T.F.M. discount.

All, take advantage while you can.