Thursday, September 23, 2010

TroutHunter Care Package

Yesterday I arrived home from work to find a package from TroutHunter had arrived in the mail and it was filled with leaders of all sorts and then tippet spools in both nylon and flourocarbon.

This T.F.M. post will begin a long term review and field testing of the TroutHunter leaders and tippet material starting with a week long trip to Montana early next month where it sounds like we'll be using everything from small dry flies to nymphs to streamers.  This package has me covered in all respects.

As mentioned in Day 2 coverage of IFTD, I spent just a few minutes at the TroutHunter booth and after being shown the product line and stress testing a few strands of tippets in different tests, I suddenly realized that I needed tippets that were stepped up .5X in 5X and 6X.  Now I've got them and looking forward to giving them a go on water where 6X might be too heavy and 7X runs to much of a risk of breaking off a large fish.  6.5X just might be the way to go.

The field test begins...



Nice! Cameron,

Great product! I am fully switched to TH tippet material. bar none.

You probably want to test the tapered leader on glass rods though, the Rene signature series is awesome. Thicker, stiffer butt handle the western wind so well, yet,also deliver soft presentation ...on my graphite rods those are awesome match... but I am not sure it is suitable for glass rod...

Borderfly said...

I can't wait for the results, I have been looking to switch to something else on the market.


Cameron Mortenson said...

Mark...interesting about the leaders. I'll check it out. Impressed with the tippet material for sure.

Borderfly...this just might be the ticket and a reason to have a few more spools to cover the .5X sizes too.

Brian Shaffer said...

I've been waiting for a full butted leader, is this it ? Brian

Cameron Mortenson said...

Brian...full butted leader? I'm not sure. I'd give TroutHunter a call and have them explain their leader options. I just might be what you're looking for.

Nursekato said...

Just wondering, where is the full review of these leaders/tippet?