Thursday, September 23, 2010

T.F.M. Spottings At IFTD

This post will wrap up the happenings of IFTD and how I saw them but wanted to pass along a few T.F.M. Spotting photos that I took over the two days that I was there.  I was wearing a crispy new T.F.M. t-shirts each day but also came across several others that were either wearing their T.F.M. t-shirts or had posted T.F.M. decals at their booth which was much appreciated.

Scott Fly Rod Company was the first booth to take a stack of T.F.M. logo decals and a GLASS IS NOT DEAD decal and place it on the most popular rod rack at IFTD.  There was literally a crowd around the F2 rod rack every time I passed.  Okay...maybe "crowd" is a little to much...but there was always people around flexing the new series...and they had smiles on their faces.

The ever "elusive" Tom Gould, administer of the Fiberglass Flyrodders forum, was found wearing his T.F.M. t-shirt and listening intently as Jim Bartschi walked us through the F2 series.  Jim has an excellent sense for what make a fly rod good and I enjoyed speaking with him about all things glass.

Joe Roope, a.k.a. "Idaho Joe", caught with his eyes closed at the Castaway Fly Fishing Shop/LOOP booth.   I think he needed a nap.

I have to admit being a little bit excited to see a fat stack of T.F.M. decals displayed proudly on the Hardy rack of glass fly rods and have very much appreciated their support of the T.F.M. website over the past year or so.

Someone, who's initials might be B.G., skater slapped a GLASS IS NOT DEAD decal on a sign outside the Hyatt in downtown Denver. 

Fellow blogger Bart Lombardo, of The Jersey Angler website, repping his T.F.M. t-shirt on Day 2 of IFTD while checking out the offerings from Umpqua Feather Merchants

Cortland knows what's up and placed a GLASS IS NOT DEAD decal underneath the soon to be re-released Diamondback Glass series. I'm looking forward to demoing a few of these rods soon.

Matt Cassel of Cliff Outdoors busting out of his button up, Superman style, to reveal his T.F.M. t-shirt underneath. 

Tom Bie of The Drake needs to watch what part of the city he parks his truck since it got spammed with a GLASS IS NOT DEAD decal after the Fly Fishing Film Festival.  Damn that night was good times.

It was nothing short of humbling to meet people from all over the industry at IFTD that I didn't know or at best traded a couple emails with.  It was also very cool to have a few of them mention that they read T.F.M. on a regular basis which was a very pleasant surprise.    

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