Monday, December 6, 2010

T.F.M. 1,500 Facebook Fans Winners!

Over two dozen people took the time to answer all the questions correctly in the T.F.M. 1,500 Fans Scavenger Hunt and this afternoon I chose the winners using an online random number generator.

The winner of the Grand Prize is Greg Feder and the winners of a T.F.M. t-shirt and decals are Josh Radlein and Michael Gillen. Congrats!

I appreciate everyone that took the time to participate and for the sponsors (Cliff Outdoors, Leland Fly Fishing Outfitters, Nature Boy Designs, Paul Puckett, and The Flyfish Journal) providing some excellent prizes.

Next stop is 2,000 Facebook Fans!


Michael Agneta said...

Congrats to the winners...that's some serious swag. Also congrats to TFM, 1500 of anything is impressive.

Cameron Mortenson said...

troutrageous...thanks for the note.