Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hardy Classic Fly Reels

This past fall while at IFTD I spent quite a bit of time with the fellows at the Hardy Fly Fishing booth. I'm kind of a pushover for their Classic and Hardy Bros. fly reels and couldn't help photographing the whole mess of them.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

I'm starting to think that a Cascapedia MkIII and Bougle Mk VII can't be to far off in my future.  I haven't found a piggy bank big enough though to add a Hardy Bros. fly reel to the collection...yet.

1 comment:

Andy Baird said...

So pretty... maybe not as fresh as many contemporary designs but they NEVER look out of date.

A wee featherweight and a Hardy Aln 5' glass 2wt would be a sweet set-up.
