Thursday, March 17, 2011

At Least We Brought Lunch

Yesterday I took the day to run up to western North Carolina and meet with Kevin McGuire, a.k.a. "The Martin Gangsta", for a few hours of fishing on a bit of hike in water in the Pisgah National Forest.  Recent rains left the river flowing a bit higher than usual but the water was clear nonetheless.

Kevin said he spied a trout from the bridge, and if so, it was the only one seen all day.

Who says a Martin "tuna can" MG-3 can't get it done?  A great little fly reel and balanced nicely on Kevin's splendid four weight Leiderman build

We tried everything from top to bottom and didn't find a single trout all morning long.  I had a tragic mishap while wading and the Nikon DSLR went for a quick swim which it might not come back from.  It's currently sitting in a five pound bag of rice to hopefully pull all the moisture out.  Fingers crossed and we'll see later today if it still works.

The day was not completely lost since Kevin and I had a great time catching up, enjoyed a hike on a very nice day, and then shared a hearty lunch on the tailgate of the Element when we returned to the vehicles early in the afternoon.   


jasonp said...

The rice should work. I like to thrown in a bunch of silica packs

middlemac said...

Great trip. The weather was perfect- fleece jackets and overcast on arrival, t-shirts and bright sun and a midge hatch by noon.

Cameron forgot that we also saw a striped sucker flopping around in a rocky shallows. I thought it was a frog at first...

What a wonderful stretch of Wild Trout water... there'll be trout there next time.

Cameron Mortenson said...

J...fingers crossed and prayers sent upward that the Nikon makes it through this. We'll see.

Kevin...I said we didn't see or catch any TROUT. HA...

Justin said...

Good luck with the rice.. Knock on wood, everything of mine that's managed to take a dip, the rice and a hair dryer have managed to fix.. But I've never had it happen to a camera, luckily.. I'm guessing the lens is water logged also?

Cameron Mortenson said... far the lens look like they escaped any damage.