Sunday, February 9, 2014


Over the last few weeks I've been working my way through the first issue of the Tenkara Magazine which was released by Tenkara USA.  This magazine is over 100 pages and holds three dozen articles covering many different aspects of the tenkara method which will interest the novice as well as the seasoned angler.

The Tenkara Magazine will likely be printed yearly, and a word of note on this edition is that the print is a bit small, so some will want to break out their readers or magnifying glass but it's well worth it.  The content that Tenkara USA has put together for this first issue is quite impressive and beautifully laid out.

The Tenkara Magazine is priced at $9 per issue and to purchase your copy please visit Tenkara USA

1 comment:

shotgunfly said...

Yeah, I'm still working my way through it. LOTS of good stuff in there.

Plus 2 on the font size. I'm not sure why designers do that. As if making type small makes it 'high design'.

P.S. I write the copy and designed the green Tenkara banners on your blog. Now that's some readable type! ;-)