Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Off to Almont

By the time this posts I should be up in the air flying up the east coast and then across the country to drop into Denver by noon. A week in Colorado will have begun.

As I write this the suitcases are full of clothes and fly gear, the car is packed, the alarm is set, and I hope to catch a couple of hours of shut eye before I drive to Charlotte.

The anticipation for this trip has been great and the need to return to the west has been growing all summer. On weeks like this I get to shake the "poser" off and be on the water from morning until dark for days in a row.

I'll be bringing back a few stories, reviews for a couple prototype/demo fiberglass rods and other pieces of gear, and hopefully some half decent photos too.

OK...time for a few minutes of sleep. See you in a week.



Hey! What a moment! As excited as the trip itself! The anticipation...

Anonymous said...

Good trip! Good luck! Good fishing! And take a lot of pictures!

All the best!

Cameron Mortenson said...

I'm back from the trip and already scheming a plan to get back out West again. I can't get enough of the mountains, the rivers, and the trout!