Wednesday, December 16, 2009

T.F.M. Christmas Gift List

With Christmas just days away I figured it would be a good time to pass along a quick run down of companies and gear that I like for the Gift List to yourself or your fishing family and friends.

The Alaska Chronicles - Departure Publishing's first printed baby and great from page one to the end. Miles Nolte tells his story from a season in the Alaska backcountry that is humorous and insightful.

Buffwear - Simply put, a lot of us don't sun tan and wearing a Buff whenever you're out in the sun for prolonged fishing sessions is a good idea. Comfortable to wear and a smart move for those of us "Pale Faces".

DVD's - From the adventure that Hustle & Fun is to an in depth study in casting techniques of Skagit Master, there are a lot of great DVD's to chose from this year.

The Flyfish Journal - The premier issue of this magazine arrived in mailboxes with a lot of hype to which I'll say that it is completely justified. A great read front to back and the photography is top notch as well. I can't wait for Issue #2.

Furled Leaders - I am a big fan of furled leaders and DF Furled Leaders and Fly Goddess tie some of the best I've ever seen and fished.

Modern Midges - This recently released book is a tome for midge fisherman and fly tiers. This book contains literally thousands of midge pattern recipes, photos, and essays on fishing flies almost to small to see.

Monomaster - This device is great to hang off the vest, pack, or lanyard and stores your tippet and leader clippings so they don't end up in the drink or on the ground. When you realize that most all of the monofiloment ever produced is still around and will likely be so for the next 600 years it makes sense to dispose of it properly.

Sixth Finger Scissors - Keith Barton at has been selling these for a few months now and they are a sharp and functional pair of scissors needed at the vise.

Bug Slinger - Rob McAbee's designs really connect with me and it doesn't hurt that I caught a big Hex eating brown while wearing my Cross Sticks long sleeve shirt this past summer in Michigan. I've got to believe that there is some BIG FISH MOJO in his wares.

Cliff Outdoors - With a host of fly boxes and other innovative gear I am always impressed with the offerings coming out of Cliff's shop. It is also very cool that all their gear is MADE IN WYOMING.

ECHO Micro Practice Rod - True be told we all could use a little work with our casting stroke and the Micro Practice Rod is perfect for the home or office to work on those tailing loops.

The Fiberglass Manifesto T-Shirts - With a new design for 2010 and a T.F.M. SPOTTING Photo Contest sponsored by Hardy Greys this is a must have! (Shameless self promotion, eh? HA...)

Fly Wallets - Marc Crapo is again offering 40% OFF fly wallet orders placed this month which is a great time to take advantage and have "Rowdy" art up some leather for you and your meat fly collection.

LOOP Gear - Joe Roope of Castaway Fly Fishing Shop recently took over distribution of LOOP gear in North America and along with that adopted a warehouse full of stock that he needs to move before the 2010 gear arrives. Send me an email at to get a copy of the deeply discounted LOOP deals that are not listed on the website. The prices are unreal and worth a look.

Reel Pure - Besides dropping knowledge on us daily on the Moldy Chum blog, Eric at Reel Pure keeps us looking fresh with cool caps and t-shirts. Take advantage of the 20% OFF discount between now and Christmas.

Recycled Waders - In a day and time where everyone is going "green" it's neat to see a company gather up everyone's dirty and worn out waders and re-purpose them into stellar pieces of gear.

William Joseph - It's always neat to see a company go with a vintage design look in a gear line and the Old School series is a neat mash up of classic looks with modern convenience.

Tenkara - The no reel rod revolution started this past year and I got wrapped up in it as well. The AYU model is a great choice for general fly fishing purposes and you'll be surprised how functional it really is.

The Spey Company
- We've all been waiting for quite awhile for the Single Spey Trout Reel pieces to arrive at Tim's shop for assembly but it never hurts to reserve a spot on the list for a trout or spey reel.

Custom Fiberglass Fly Rod - This may be the ultimate present on the list but if someone you know has been super good this past year then setting him or her up with one of the "T.F.M. Approved" custom fiberglass fly rod builders would sure to bring a smile to their face on Christmas morning.

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