Monday, February 15, 2010

T.F.M. Spotting - BG's Moose

Recently Bryan Gregson sent along an interesting photograph that Nick Granato had taken of him that I figured had a story behind it.

So not only is this the second T.F.M. Spotting Photo Contest submission for February but the "The Story of the Moose" is told as well. Enjoy...

Each year in early august the “Annual Yuhina Adventure” starts. My friends and I show Mark around the western waters, with the occasional double dip. On this particular day we headed to what we call “Football Creek". It’s one of the few that streams we re-visit. The fish are healthy, the scenery is precious, and the water is off the beaten path.

The hike to the stream is only three or four miles. The trail winds down a small narrow canyon which leads to a small tributary. From here the trails follows the tiny creek to a miniature gorge where the two tributaries join. The trail climbs up and out of the gorge to an open grass field for a mile or so, turns left and heads to the huge rock structures that form the entrance to “Football Creek”. It’s an amazing sight to see.

On the hiking through the grassy field by chance I looked down and spotted a moose. It was standing on the shade side of trail and less than five feet away from me. He was on all fours and staring in my direction. I knelt down and picked him up. I quickly examined him for only a moment before I put him in my pack and ran down the trail to catch up with the group.

When we finally reached the starting point of our fishing adventure, I pulled the moose out from my pack and methodically inspected him. At first glance you can quickly tell this moose isn't just any old moose, his durable plastic coating is well seasoned. The sun has lightened the tops of his synthetic brown colored fur to a light brown with almond blond highlights. In my eyes, he's a trophy's trophy.

From that day we have been traveling together…every trip I go on, the moose goes on too. We’ve been traveling together for a few years now, sharing our experiences, and searching for the next adventure. Although he doesn’t say anything about our trips, I know he is having a great time.

His favorite trips are ones that his friend, the head of Shreck's girlfriend, attends. She lives on a drift boat year round, and they get along great. The two usually hang out on the front of the boat, catch some rays and feel the wind blowing over their artificial hair.

So…. there it is….the story behind the moose.



Ha... the story behind the moose! I can not believe you still have it... HA..It is a awesome one indeed! : )

Cameron Mortenson said... was neat telling the story on TFM.

BG said...

thanks Cam!.. and mark! ; )