Monday, May 20, 2013

P. H. Kellner's Bluegill Artwork

A few weeks ago I came across the artwork of P.H. Kellner and was delighted to find that he had three pieces on his website that fit right in for the Year of the Bluegill.

Click on the images to see in larger resolution.

The Rio Grande Cichlid is a bonus print and really has nothing to do with bluegill other than being on my personal bucket list.  Someday I'll put a fly in the mouth of one.

Check out the P.H. Kellner website for more information on his artwork.


chrix said...

Hit up the San Marcos river for some Cichlids!

MRB said...

The San Marcos and most other Texas Hill Country rivers are great places to catch Rio Grandes. In Texas, anything that is sunfish shaped, including Rio Grandes, are usually referred to as perch, so they definitely count as Year of the Bluegill. P.S. My dad always said that Rio Grandes had the same forehead as my high school principal--ha ha!