Thursday, February 18, 2016

OLD GUYS FLIES - Over 40? It's Okay To Need 'Em

It's the truth, after 40 the eyesight really starts to go.  I just don't see like I used to and threading tippet through tiny hook eyes or seeing a small dry fly in the riffle isn't as easy as it used to be.  Damn, it sucks getting old. 

Enter Old Guys Flies who have several cool offerings with a host of big eye flies, their own special  OGF Blends highly visible for wings and wing posts if you want to tie your own, and a set of their flies that come complete with a Tacky Fly Box with the Hwy 20 Box Set.

Finally, Eric Stroup of Stroup Fly Fishing posted this video showing the benefits of the OGF Blend and how to use it in creating visible wing post.

Visit the Old Guys Flies website for more information.  Follow along on their Facebook page too.

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